Today Nov 8, 2016 is Election Day and soon our nation of 320 million inhabitants will have a new president. Thereafter, we probably will fall into a vacuum, thinking, what show are we going to watch next!? Thanks to Donald Trump and the media (I'd like to especially mention CNN and FOX News), this election has been one of the best reality shows ever! Unfortunately this is not a joke! From start to finish, this election has had no real content, substance, deepening on the debate issues, but on the other hand, lots of gossip, insults, intrigue, threats, trash talking, sexting, dancing, singing, etc., etc....exactly the material of a reality show. And all fired up by a huge fat spending of over 1.2 billion US$.
Even for a person like me, not affiliated to any party, this whole show does not help to make an informed decision. The contrary happens, all the noise, the manipulation and the contradicting negative messages just generate confusion...and probably that is the intention of the campaign strategists. They have drawn a sad, black and white sketch that is too much of a simplification. I hope that most of my fellow citizens realize that the panorama resembles more a diverse combination of bright colors and shades. It is also important to understand that today's world is more connected than ever and that people think and feel more and more similar around the world. Also, most of the key economic, environmental and human challenges need to be tackled beyond national borders. I have lived and worked in three continents and experienced how different countries, political systems and large private corporations govern and develop themselves. The ones most successful in solving problems, are the ones that foster a collaborative, constructive and consensus orientated culture and dialogue, even when there are opposing views of individuals and groups within.
Unfortunately this is not what I have experienced during the 2016 US election process. Here one tribe claims "everything is a disaster and wants to make America great again" and the other party states "everything is awesome". They have not even been able to agree on the diagnosis of the key issues and therefore the "debate" has escalated into a contest of pissing, trash digging and repetitive slogan and name calling. Especially by Trump, who has chosen the well-known campaign strategy of a demagogue. Definitely a smart move for him, as it was his only chance to stand out in the pack and quickly smash his initially sixteen co-candidates within the Republican Party (a big failure of the party). Hillary had to fight starting five, and later, only one real "opponent", Bernie. And although he surprisingly managed to kick off a social-democratic ”Political Revolution” (political system that I well know and have learned to appreciate in Germany) many of his young supporters were victims of the restrictive party affiliation rules, which did not allow them to select their candidate if not registered already as democratic voters. This is important to remember, as a big number of people did not want any of the present candidates to represent them.
So basically Trump advanced because of his smart and assertive tactics and Hillary because the system was "rigged" for her. As a media and marketing veteran, Trump based his campaign strategy on "fear" and a "KISS" message. Kiss not as the affectionate gesture, but meaning: "Keep it Simple Stupid ". I am hopeful that the majority of voters are still conscious enough to see through all this foggy campaign and media storm. After balancing the little valuable information of what I could use from the campaign and taking a closer look at the personalities of the two choices, I did vote, and early.
So basically Trump advanced because of his smart and assertive tactics and Hillary because the system was "rigged" for her. As a media and marketing veteran, Trump based his campaign strategy on "fear" and a "KISS" message. Kiss not as the affectionate gesture, but meaning: "Keep it Simple Stupid ". I am hopeful that the majority of voters are still conscious enough to see through all this foggy campaign and media storm. After balancing the little valuable information of what I could use from the campaign and taking a closer look at the personalities of the two choices, I did vote, and early.
Stepping aside from all the questionable statements and noise generated in this election circus, I feel the need to look for a more universal explanation of this insane situation, and I found it: According to the Chinese calendar, we are in the year of the "Fire Monkey", who is "ambitious and adventurous, but irritable"! I do not guide my life based on astrology of any kind, but this collective state of mind is really present right now and considering it, we must stay calm and civil by all means and not be provoked by any extremist reactions that might follow after this emotional rollercoaster and in some segments of the population anger-loaded process. Whoever wins, we have to respect each other and be peaceful.
Democracy means that even if our candidate does not win, we accept the result. We definitely maintain a position of strength, consciousness and willingness to continue working together on improving quality of live on this earth, regardless of who is momentarily in office. Each one of us has more power than we imagine. In our daily role as a consumer, as a colleague, as a family member, as a neighbor, as part of a community and as a voice in social media, we can influence.
In order to better exercise this power, we must team up and work together on specific topics, speaking up and fighting for what matters to you...let it be protection of your private data, improving schools and teaching methods, conserving traditions, historical buildings, the natural environment, expanding the network of safe bicycle lanes, eliminating GMO and chemicals from our foods, getting rid of outdated laws and regulations and many more.
I do not see that our current democracy really wants us that involved. Do you think that politicians and special interests would want us active questioning what they do all the time? No, they want us entertained following the Kardashians or any other mindless TV show and sport event and just have us vote "yes" on any name or amendment they strategically position on the ballot? Why do you think the media and show industry have gotten so big!? Is it all part of a system that wants us uneducated, fat and passive...consuming everything that is thrown at us? If you are also unsatisfied with the current political process and status quo, if you have voted or not, if you are addicted to sugar, fast food or other comfort drugs, there is one thing you can do, kick yourself in the butt and right now, write down the topics that you care for most, go online and look for groups that are active in those areas. Join the one with whom you identify most and start getting into action as a citizen creating your own new reality! Happy Election Day!